Directors Patron

Rt. Rev. Dr. Christudas Rajappan
Auxiliary Bishop, Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum
Bishop Christudas Rajappan was born on 25th Nov, the feast day of Christ the king, at one of the astonishing coastal region Adimalathura. This place is renowned for coastal football. He did his schooling at St. Helen’s, Lourdepuram and Leo XIII, Pulluvila. After his minor seminary studies at St. Vincent’s seminary, he completed his philosophy and theology at the Papal seminary, Pune. Throughout his seminary life he possessed a thirst for football and in fact he has participated in most of the major sports events in the seminary. He was ordained a priest on 25th nov, 1998.
After his priestly ordination, he served certain offices and parishes. Eventually he was sent to Austria for his higher studies, and indeed he has obtained a doctorate on Missiology. After returning, he served as the spiritual director and professor at St. Joseph’s pontifical seminary, Alway, where football is the craze and on 2017 he lead his team to lift Golden jubilee inter-seminaries football championship. Following, he was appointed as the rector of St. Vincent’s minor seminary and Director of board for clergy and religious. During his rectorship, he gave importance to all aspects of priestly formation. He has given precious instructions to play healthy sports like football and basketball and keep the body sound.
On 2nd Feb 2016, Holy Father appointed Fr. Christhudas R as the auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of Trivandrum. He has received his episcopal consecration on 3rd April, 2016. He was recently appointed as the vice chairman of KCBC Youth Commission.
LIFFA is the archdiocesan football academy. His grace was very generous and kind towards all activities of LIFFA. He is very dynamic and supportive to the initiatives of LIFFA on and off the field. He is very eager to hear the successful stories of the academy. Often he gives various instructions and moulds the endeavours of the academy.