
“LiFFA and ESSEN for Stronger and Fitter Athletes”


A Sports Nutrition Seminar conducted by LiFFA in association with the multi-national nutrition brand ESSEN Nutrition saw another first in Trivandrum by providing a Specialized Sports Nutrition Seminar for the top sportspersons, coaches and upcoming sportspersons from Trivandrum. The seminar was conducted in St Joseph’s School, Trivandrum making it possible for a good number of future superstars who are still in school to be actively present in the event and understand the importance of proper nutrition in becoming a professional athlete. Mayor Sri. V. K. PRASANTH, Essen Nutrition Corporation President and Nutrition Scientist Dr. M. ANIRUDHAN led the seminar. Sri V. K. Prasanth was highly appreciative about the work LiFFA has been doing over past years and he acknowledged the impact LiFFA has made in curbing the antisocial activities that the youth from our beaches often turn to in order to expend their built up energy, he said that organisations like LiFFA needs to exist to guide the youth of our nation to brighter future for themselves and our society.
Young athletes train long hours for their sport. In order to optimize that training, proper nutrition needs to be a regular component of their workout plan. A car needs fuel to run properly just as people (especially young athletes) need a healthful eating plan. Meal and snack planning takes extra time and is often pushed to the side due to hectic family schedules, but healthy eating has to be a priority. The benefits of a healthy eating plan include: Injury prevention, Strengthening of the immune system, Decreased muscle tiredness and soreness, Muscle healing and recovery, Improved energy levels and Increased focus and attention span, Dr. SHARMAD, Superintendent, Trivandrum Medical College said that in his key note address.
Essen Nutrition Corporation President and Nutrition Scientist Dr. M. Anirudhan led the seminar. He said that the main reason why Indian athletes are excluded from international sporting events is the lack of nutrition. Dr. M. Anirudhan said he understood LIFFA Trivandrum’s long-standing advancement as well as the excellence of young athletes in LiFFA. He also offered that for the next 8 years, 50 children in LiFFA will be provided with nutritious foods and nutrition.
Director of LiFFA Trivandrum Very Rev. Msgr. Wilfred E. said that the LiFFA Academy can provide some of the best players from the coastline to Indian football by providing nutrition and nutritional food along with the scientific training provided by the LiFFA Academy to the mentally and physically strong coastal children.
Dr. Jayarajan David, Director of Physical Education, University of Kerala had reminded the importance of hydration on young sportsman. Stick to water, milk, and 100% fruit juice as proper hydration methods: Limit juice to 4-6 ounces per day, Have 2-3 glasses of milk per day, Aim for at least 64-80 ounces of water per day. Sports drinks should be used when exercising longer than 60 minutes, especially for help in fuelling during back to back games.
Assistant Director Rev. Fr. Christudas Philip delivered vote of thanks and he mentioned that the ESSEN Nutrition’s contribution is not solely a charitable contribution, but also an advertising opportunity. Without the support of people like you, we will not be able to reach our goals in optimum level. In the coming years for LiFFA to consistently perform better, ESSEN Nutrition is essential. And with help of ESSEN Nutrition we can scale immeasurable heights together. Fr. Christudas thanked to ESSEN on behalf of LiFFA for the generous support providing to LiFFA academy with sports nutrition supplements. We hope that we will live up to our achievements of previous years. We promise to keep you update of our progress.